Safe like an airbag, maneuverable like a helicopter
This photograph of our first prototype shows eight fixedly oriented electric ducted fans that can be combined to exert a resulting force in any direction instantly, keeping the airship on track even in gusty conditions.
The propeller at the stern serves efficient forward flight.
roboloon advantage
fly longer, safer and peacefully quiet
(1, 2) Website DJI Matrice 300
with 1.4 kg payload (H20+XT2)
(3) flight time x max. airspeed = flight range
(4) Matrice 300: 2.7 kg/ 9 kg = 0,3
- vs - squid: 1.8 kg/ 0.25 kg = 7.2
(5) Evident from propulsion concept
(6) Matrice 300 carrying case:
0.67 x 0.67 x 0.4 m^3 = 0.18 m3 = 180 l
- vs - squid own estimation: 540 l
(7) E = mgh | Matrice 300: 9 kg
- vs - squid: 0.25 kg
In a situation of complete engine failure.
Calculated without drag in favor of Matrice 300.